■日本語版と英語版(English Version)
■日本語版と英語版(English Version)
健康手帳の使い方 | 1 |
特定健診の記録 | 3 |
血圧と体重等の記録 | 7 |
特定健診結果の見方 | 9 |
特定保健指導 | 11 |
健康教育 | 13 |
歯周病検診・骨粗鬆症検診 | 15 |
胃がん検診・肺がん検診 | 17 |
大腸がん検診 | 19 |
子宮頸がん検診・乳がん検診 | 21 |
健康づくりのポイント 健康寿命をのばそう |
23 |
生活習慣病を防ごう | 24 |
適切な食生活を目指そう | 25 |
適度な運動をしよう | 29 |
十分な睡眠をとろう | 31 |
禁煙しよう | 32 |
お酒と上手に付き合おう | 33 |
歯・口腔の健康を守ろう | 34 |
英語版(English Version)
Using your Health Handbook | 1 |
Recording Specific Health Checkups | 3 |
Blood pressure and weight log | 7 |
Interpreting the results of a Specific Health Checkup | 9 |
Specific health guidance | 11 |
Health education | 13 |
Dental disease and osteoporosis screenings | 15 |
Gastric and lung cancer screenings | 17 |
Colorectal cancer screenings | 19 |
Cervical and breast cancer screenings | 21 |
Key points to health development Extending your healthy life expectancy |
23 |
Preventing lifestyle diseases | 24 |
Eating a balanced diet | 25 |
Pursuing moderate exercise | 29 |
Getting sufficient sleep | 31 |
Quitting smoking | 32 |
Consuming alcohol in moderation | 33 |
Maintaining dental and oral health | 34 |
Type A(A4 size landscape)
* A4 landscape printing, bi-fold A5 finish.
Print on one side (landscape), fold it in two, staple it on two places on the left side, and use it after binding.
Type B(A4 size vertical)
*A4 vertical double-sided printing.
Print on both sides (vertical), staple it on the left two places, and use it after binding.